I accidentally deleted my previous news post while trying to make this news post the other night via my phone -- found out that I cannot do that on a mobile platform and I need glasses apparently.
Anyway, here is my electronic newborn!
So far I really like it.
It took a long time for me to decide on this one, but it feels like a good fit. I was too lazy and impatient to build my own and wait for it to ship to me -- maybe someday I'll do that when I decide I want an actual desktop setup. This one is upgradeable and will be a solid desktop replacement for right now. ..And I'm in luck, because my old computer's fan just died the other day. It's peacing out pretty quickly now.
So I've got a new Wacom tablet on its way and now I've got to get all my software onto this new setup. Hopefully I'll be ready to roll and be able to create more stuff soon.
My desktop background is "Illuminate my soul" by @keepwalking
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