Hey there buds,
It's been a heck of a long time since I've made a news post. But here I am, and here you are, you're reading it, you've got a coffee or a Monster Energy drink and your brain is experiencing dopamine overload and your grandma just called but you can't answer your phone right now, you're busy reading this.
Last I was really active much on Newgrounds was 2017, and that was me mostly browsing and participating in the meetup event in Ambler, PA. T'was fun; I made a ton of really great friends, all of whom are so deeply talented. Thankfully we've stayed connected here and on Twitter, and maybe even a few on Instagram.
Last fall I watched and 'hung out' with peeps on the very talented @FuShark 's art streams (Fu being one of the pals I met in PA), during which time I was working on an animation for a horror film fest. I didn't end up finishing it to the level I had intended - and never uploaded it here - but I may just for posterity and to kiss that sweet project goodbye, and to move on to other projects. I'm proud of it in certain ways, but disappointed my full vision for it never came to fruition. That's okay, though.
This year has been quite a different and challenging year in a lot of ways - I have felt mentally all over the place, and am experiencing worse-than-ever attention/focusing issues that I am trying to get addressed with my doc. On the other hand, this year has been exciting, as I am in the process of launching several big projects I've had brewing for quite some time now. More on that later. But for now, I am trying to get back into regular art-making and animation-making, and being more active with this online art community. So you'll be seeing more from me more regularly in the coming months!
(whether that is good or bad, I'll leave up to you...)
Anyway, hope you all have been having a flippin' good summer. Check out my weird Santa drawing I just uploaded! And shout out to @ShiroGaia for the portal invite! Now I can appear in the Art Portal and scout other artists. Huzzah!